Sunday, December 4, 2022

Warehouse essay

Warehouse essay

warehouse essay

Web12/11/ · Walmart’s warehouse chain management contributes to the success of Wal-Mart. Sam Walton, the founder who owned several Ben Franklin franchise stores before WebWarehouse is a commercial building or a storage structure constructed for storage of goods and for the protection of the quality and quantity of the stored produce. Warehouses are WebEssays on Warehouse $ for a 2-page paper get custom paper Project: Data Warehouse and Hotel Management Reservation This acknowledgment transcends the

After reading this essay you will learn about:- 1. Meaning of Warehouse 2. Characteristics of a Warehouse 3. Functions 4. Kinds 6. Warehousing is an important function of commerce. It creates time utility and removes the hindrance of time. Warehousing may be defined as the assumption of responsibility for the storage of goods. A warehouse is a place used for the storage or accumulation of goods in proper condition from the time they are produced until they are needed by consumers. According to S, warehouse essay. Storage of goods is necessary throughout the marketing processes. By preserving goods from the time of production to the time of consumption, it ensures the continuous flow of goods to the market. Warehouse is a place used for the storage or accumulation of goods. Thus it requires a sufficient space to store maximum goods.

Insufficient space is a hindrance in the future development of trade. Warehouse should be established at that place where there is no possibility of deterioration of goods. In other words, they should be built strong to be safe warehouse essay pilferages, theft, dacoities, rain, dust, sun, warehouse essay, and natural calamities. Warehouses should be established at that place warehouse essay buyers and sellers and other related persons as middlemen may reach conveniently. Warehouses should be properly managed so that goods may be stored economically. This is possible only if there is a full utilisation of space.

The basic function of warehouse is to store the goods. There is a time gap between production and consumption. Goods which are in surplus are stored, preserved and made available for meeting the demand when their supply is relatively less. Surplus of goods, if not stored properly, may be lost in value and quality. Warehousing safeguards the stocks of merchants and saves them from the urgency of making sales for warehouse essay of room for storing goods, warehouse essay. Warehousing makes it possible to withdraw from the market the stock not immediately needed and supply it back when it is required, which helps in equalising the supply and demand.

Consumers can get a regular supply of goods even during the off-season periods. Warehouses provide the facilities of processing, packing, blending, etc. of the goods for the purpose of sale. A bonded warehouse warehouse essay the urgency of paying custom duties. The importer can postpone the payment of custom duty until he withdraws goods from the bonded warehouse. Goods which are produced seasonally like wheat, rice, etc. must be stored so that they are supplied to the consumers throughout the warehouse essay. In order to supply such commodities to the consumers, their storage is very warehouse essay necessary. Many goods like woollen cloth, umbrella, warehouse essay, rain coats, fans, etc. are produced throughout the year but their demands are seasonal.

Such goods must be stored and preserved until the beginning of the next season. To enable the producers producing such goods to work throughout the year, goods produced by them in off-season must be stored in warehouse. Perishable goods like vegetables, fruits, eggs, etc. are stored in cold storage to enable the consumers to consume them regularly throughout the year. In the absence of warehouses, the market for the sale of perishable goods warehouse essay limited. When goods are produced at a distance from warehouse essay consumers they must be stored safely in the warehouses near the market as a protection against delays in supply. It enables goods to be made available to the consumers whenever and wherever they are required by them.

It is necessary to store the goods in the warehouses to avoid the violent fluctuations, especially those goods which are produced during a particular season. Some goods require curing or processing before they are ready for sale. So goods should be stored for curing or processing. Most of warehouse essay goods are not produced to meet ready orders but in anticipation of demand. Therefore, such goods have to be warehouse essay until they are demanded. These warehouses are owned by the traders or manufacturers to store goods manufactured or bought by them until they are sold out.

Since warehouse essay warehouses are operated for own purposes, their services are not available to other manufacturers, warehouse essay. Wholesalers also find it more convenient to deliver goods directly from their own warehouses. A public warehouse is one which operates to store goods of any member of the public in consideration of charges. Public warehouses are held to be public utilities. They are organised to provide storage service and facilities to the retailers, wholesalers, stockiest or even general public in return for a storage fee or charge.

In order to provide proper storing facilities to the farmers, General Warehousing Corporation and State Warehousing Corporation have been set up under the Second Five-Year Plan, warehouse essay. These warehouses are established and organised for providing storage service and facilities to the perishable goods such as, vegetables, warehouse essay, fruits, eggs, fishes, warehouse essay, warehouse essay. They charge storage fee from the traders. In India more and more cold storages are coming into existence. Goods pledged to banks against loans advanced by them are kept in such godowns. They are controlled by banks.

Railway authorities establish railway warehouses. Goods received by railways are kept in such warehouses till they are loaded in the wagons. There is a warehouse essay of warehouses established under the direct or indirect control of Food Corporation of India, where the food-grains thus procured are stored. Bonded warehouses are those warehouses which are licensed by the Government to accept imported goods for storage before the payment of custom duties by importers of such goods. These warehouses are situated near the ports. The goods are delivered by the warehouse-keepers only after the payment of import duty has been made. By storing their goods in such warehouses importers gain some control over their goods even before they have paid duty on them. Goods which are meant for re-export are also kept in such warehouses.

These warehouses may be owned by the dock authorities or may be privately owned. They have to work under the control and supervision of the custom authorities. A strict watch is kept on these warehouses by custom authorities, warehouse essay. The importers are given the facility to keep their goods in such warehouses till they are able to arrange for the payment of import duty. The warehouse authorities allow the owners warehouse essay take their customers in the warehouse for the inspection of goods. For the goods imported for re-export, warehouse essay, the importer need not first pay the custom duty and later claim it back after exporting the goods This saves him from a lot of botheration and considerable expenses.

Business ManagementEssayGoodsStorageWarehouse. Related Articles: Ware-Housing: Meaning, Objectives and Functions Important Components of Physical Distribution of Products Essay on E-Commerce: Scope, Importance, warehouse essay, Advantages and Limitations Data Warehouse: Meaning, Characteristics and Benefits. Essay on Management: Top warehouse essay Essays. Essay on Human Capital: Top 5 Essays Organisation Management.

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warehouse essay

WebBrowse Our Essay Warehouse by Category. Topic selection is a crucial part of the writing process, whether it's for an essay due soon or a term paper due at the end of your WebWarehouse is a commercial building or a storage structure constructed for storage of goods and for the protection of the quality and quantity of the stored produce. Warehouses are WebEssays on Warehouse $ for a 2-page paper get custom paper Project: Data Warehouse and Hotel Management Reservation This acknowledgment transcends the

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